House of Sod

  • SHR-001



In the 1800's, European settlers in the American heartland were often faced with a shortage of building materials. So they cut out blocks of prairie earth and stacked them up like oversized bricks, building "sod houses" to live in. Kyle Knapp

Kyle Knapp's newest and most heartfelt project, "House of Sod", a bit rootsier than his previous "Refugee" release, makes use of this historical motif to explore such themes as the changing seasons of life, the wonders of nature, spirituality expressed through simplicity of heart, perseverance and courage through death and loss, humility and repentance, and the mysterious interactions between the divine and the physical "real" world. The title track compares the sod houses of American antiquity with the creation story of Genesis, in which God forms man from the earth, building a "sod house" for his own Spirit to live in.

Stellar session performances by Tim Hosper (bass & slide guitar), Chris Peterson (fiddle), Greg Lowry (accordion and lap steel) and others complement Kyle's own vocal and acoustic guitar work, resulting in a simple yet full and engaging folk collection, with a hint of "country" flavor.

  • Artist: Kyle Knapp 
  • Title: House of Sod 
  • Label: Sod House Records 
  • Release Date: 2007 
  • Format: CD
  • Catalog No.: SHR-001
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